We seek to continually improve our performance in Health and Safety by ensuring that:
• An effective programme is in place and maintained to ensure that all workplace hazards are identified and appropriate measures taken to control these hazards.
• The programme is reviewed and monitored to take account of changing conditions and circumstances in the workplace.
• Records are kept of the hazard management programme.
• Employees have the opportunity to participate in the development of Health and Safety practices and in becoming Health and Safety Representatives.
• Relevant documentation relating to occupational Health and Safety issues is made available to employees.
• Work systems, plant and substances are subjected to testing and hazard assessment before being introduced.
• Employees and contractors are trained, supervised and provided with information to undertake their duties safely.
• Personal protective equipment needed to secure Health and Safety is provided to employees, who are adequately trained in its proper use, maintenance and storage.
• Accidents are reported, recorded and investigated.
• In the event of an injury/illness Star Scaffolding Limited works with ACC to achieve a robust outcome for our employees by using appropriate treatment and rehabilitation principles.
• This policy is monitored and revised following any organisational changes or changes in legislation or best practices, or otherwise every two years.
Responsibilities of management
• To consult with employees on Health and Safety matters that affect them.
• To ensure that all plant, substances and work systems used are suitable for their intended purposes and meet safety requirements.
• To provide adequate training, information, instruction and supervision,
• To ensure that contractors and visitors are made aware of their responsibilities and safety procedures.
• To respond promptly to any Health or Safety issues brought to their attention.
• To ensure that Health and Safety objectives and responsibilities are included in job/task descriptions and are reviewed annually.
• The Managing Director has overall responsibility for the effective management of workplace Health and Safety.
Responsibilities of employees
• To carry out work in a way that does not adversely affect their own Health and Safety or that of others around them.
• To learn and understand Health and Safety rules and follow them.
• To be certain they completely understand instructions before starting work, to avoid taking short cuts and always use safe work procedures.
• To carry out work free from the influence of drugs and/or alcohol,
• To use correctly any information, training, personal protective equipment and safety devices provided.
• If in doubt about the safety of a task, to stop and get instructions from the supervisor or manager before continuing.
• To make sure they understand exactly their responsibilities in emergencies.
• To know how and where medical help can be obtained.
• To report all accidents and unsafe conditions to the supervisor or Health and Safety representative promptly.